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Logo Cinefilia

Cinefilia is the name of the Cultural Association registered in the First Section of the Provincial Register of Associations of the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha in date of November 4, 1996, with the number 1362. It has its registered office in Calle Chorrón, 36, 19005 Guadalajara, and its offices are located in the Centro Cívico, 4th floor of the Plaza del Concejo, s/n, 19001 Guadalajara (Spain). Cinefilia is a member of the Federación Provincial de Asociaciones Culturales de Guadalajara, and the Asociación de Amigos del Moderno.

It was created by the hand of Luis Moreno, Montse de la Cal and other creative young people in the province of Guadalajara, with the common desire to use film, audiovisual, art and culture in general as vehicles of transmission of human values, critical thinking and social transformation.

Cinefilia spent the first years of its existence in the production of short films and training young film enthusiasts. In 2003, Cinefilia designs and launches the Solidarity Film Festival of Guadalajara (called the National Film Festival of Guadalajara for the first two editions).

Cinefilia collaborates with other associative movements, especially those with a strong social and vindictive nature.